News Article

Dorset Police takes a proactive role in preventing abuse during the Euro 2024 tournament

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The National Centre for Domestic Violence indicates that reports of domestic abuse increase during knock-out football tournaments.

Dorset Police has been working with licensed premises, support services and local authorities, to help keep the public safe during the upcoming Euro 2024 Football Tournament.

Sometimes emotions can run high during sporting events, and frustration and competitiveness can cause tempers to flare, which may lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour, violence, and domestic abuse.

Police are asking people to be aware of their behaviour and mood when watching the football and warn them that there are consequences if they use or threaten violence.

Chief Superintendent Gavin Dudfield of Dorset Police said: “Emotions do run high during sporting events such as the Euros. The majority of football fans are able enjoy the tournament without issue; however, a small minority of fans do commit criminal offences.

National statistics indicate that reports of domestic abuse increase during knock-out football tournaments, consequently, Dorset Police have developed plans, with partner agencies, to support victims of crime and to support investigations to bring offenders to justice.

“Our response to any report of domestic abuse will be proactive and robust. We are committed to supporting and protecting victims at all times, not just during sporting events. During the tournament we will have additional resources on duty to support our communities.

“Help is available to both victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse, and we encourage anyone involved to seek help.

“Our goal is to make sure that the Euro 2024 tournament is safe and enjoyable for everyone.”

One of the ways Dorset Police is helping to protect and support victims of domestic abuse is through Clare’s Law or the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme. This scheme enables a person to check the past of a partner or ex-partner to see whether they have a history of abuse. The scheme also enables a third party to do the same for someone they know if they believe they are at risk of domestic abuse. Information supplied can help people decide whether to continue in a relationship. More information on this scheme can be found on the Dorset Police website -

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick, added: “There is never an excuse for domestic abuse of any kind. I am pleased Dorset Police have stepped up their proactive work with licensed premises, support services and local authorities to enhance their already robust response to this toxic and destructive crime during the upcoming tournament.

“While there is no one to blame for these despicable offences but the perpetrators themselves, I ask everyone to help the police and play their part by remaining alert and reporting anything suspicious.

“Domestic abuse is a devastating crime, and I would urge victims to seek help or support. Together, we can all help to protect victims and reduce these incidents, not just during this tournament, but all year round.”

If you are a victim of domestic abuse you can go to our website for help and guidance. for support and guidance.

If you display abusive behaviour or feel you might need help, visit:

For more information about the Domestic Violence Disclosure Service or Clare's  Law visit:

If you fear for your or someone else’s safety and need help immediately, always dial 999.  




