Dorset Police welcomes new fraud protect officer in bid to tackle fraud
Dorset Police is delighted to announce the creation of a new fraud protect officer role to help raise awareness and protect victims across the county.
The role will involve working with partners to engage with individuals and businesses to raise awareness, share information and promote national, regional and local crime prevention messaging, whilst also ensuring that all victims of fraud receive an appropriate safeguarding response to help reduce repeat victimisation.
Fraud poses a significant threat to the people, prosperity, and security of the UK. It is by far the most common crime and now accounts for over 40 per cent of all offences in England and Wales.
In the last 12 months, Dorset victims lost £25.8M to fraud. However, the level and complexity of this crime type means that law enforcement are unable to investigate every crime and bring every offender to justice, especially when many offenders are outside the jurisdiction. This means that it is more important than ever for the Force to protect, support and empower our residents so that they don’t become victims of fraud.
The new Fraud Strategy sets out the aims of HM Government to provide better communications and bolster victim support. In addition to this, the Police and Crime Plan set by Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick specifically sets out the vision to increase provision of prevention advice to those older people most vulnerable to fraudsters, whilst also seeking to put victims and communities first. The creation of this new post will directly support these ambitions and is the first dedicated resource in Dorset to be focussed entirely on victims of fraud.
Detective Inspector Andrew Kennard, of the Economic Crime Unit, said: “Following a competitive process, Damian Cranny was appointed as the first fraud protect officer in Dorset. He began his role on Monday 4 September 2023 and we are delighted to welcome him into the team.
“His first month in the role will see him attend the National Fraud Safeguarding Conference in Oxford, meet with partners including the Regional Fraud Protect Advisor, understand the fraud landscape experienced by victims of fraud in the Force area and start to deliver safeguarding events across the county.”
Fraud Protect Officer Damian Cranny said: “I am honoured to have been appointed to this important position safeguarding the people of Dorset from fraud. In my new role, I aim to vigorously protect our community and empower people with the knowledge and tools needed to avoid falling victim whilst assisting those that have fallen victim of fraud.
“By working hand-in-hand with local residents, businesses, and other stakeholders, I believe we can dramatically reduce fraud in Dorset. I will strive to be a leader in fraud prevention through education, support and a steadfast commitment to everyone who calls this great county home."
Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick said: “I am delighted to see the introduction of this new fraud protect officer. This role will directly help to deliver on the ‘Putting Victims and Communities First', priority of my Police and Crime Plan.
“It is vitally important that the police help the public to understand what fraud is and how fraudsters work and this role will not only bring an improved service to existing victims, but will also seek to prevent our residents from becoming victims in the first place.”